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Creating and Using Components

What Are Components?#

Components are reusable segments of code that can be implemented anywhere in the scope of the window. In the Accent Components library, components can be created with the <component> tag. The syntax is detailed below.


From innerHTML#

All components use the same general syntax:

<component ref="name of component">  <!-- Content of component... --></component>

Let's create a component called accent-logo that will display the Accent logo every time it is used. To do so, we would use the format below.

<component ref="accent-logo">  <!-- SVG Content of Logo --></component>

The innerHTML of the <component> element will be the content of the component, while the ref attribute denotes the name of the component. Our finished component should look something like this:

<component ref="accent-logo">  <svg    version="1.1"    viewBox="0.0 0.0 256.0 256.0"    fill="none"    stroke="none"    stroke-linecap="square"    stroke-miterlimit="10"    xmlns:xlink=""    xmlns=""  >    <clipPath id="p.0">      <path d="m0 0l256.0 0l0 256.0l-256.0 0l0 -256.0z" clip-rule="nonzero" />    </clipPath>    <g clip-path="url(#p.0)">      <path        fill="#000000"        fill-opacity="0.0"        d="m0 0l256.0 0l0 256.0l-256.0 0z"        fill-rule="evenodd"      />      <path        fill="#000000"        fill-opacity="0.0"        d="m12.04462 127.845146l0 0c0 -64.125916 51.913815 -116.11024 115.95276 -116.11024l0 0c30.752579 0 60.24562 12.233008 81.99098 34.0079c21.745361 21.77489 33.961777 51.307987 33.961777 82.10234l0 0c0 64.12591 -51.91382 116.11024 -115.95276 116.11024l0 0c-64.03894 0 -115.95276 -51.98433 -115.95276 -116.11024z"        fill-rule="evenodd"      />      <path        stroke="#5bc3eb"        stroke-width="24.0"        stroke-linejoin="round"        stroke-linecap="butt"        d="m12.04462 127.845146l0 0c0 -64.125916 51.913815 -116.11024 115.95276 -116.11024l0 0c30.752579 0 60.24562 12.233008 81.99098 34.0079c21.745361 21.77489 33.961777 51.307987 33.961777 82.10234l0 0c0 64.12591 -51.91382 116.11024 -115.95276 116.11024l0 0c-64.03894 0 -115.95276 -51.98433 -115.95276 -116.11024z"        fill-rule="evenodd"      />      <path        fill="#000000"        fill-opacity="0.0"        d="m0 -14.086615l256.0 0l0 310.2677l-256.0 0z"        fill-rule="evenodd"      />      <path        fill="#5bc3eb"        d="m58.876244 227.23526q-8.390625 0 -12.0 -5.75q-3.59375 -5.765625 0.25 -13.9375l63.359375 -140.39062q3.109375 -6.968746 7.546875 -9.968746q4.453125 -3.0 10.203133 -3.0q5.53125 0 9.96875 3.0q4.4375 3.0 7.5625 9.968746l63.59375 140.39062q3.84375 8.40625 0.484375 14.046875q-3.359375 5.640625 -11.53125 5.640625q-6.71875 0 -10.4375 -3.234375q-3.71875 -3.25 -6.59375 -9.96875l-12.0 -27.84375l-82.56251 0l-11.765625 27.84375q-3.109375 6.96875 -6.46875 10.09375q-3.359375 3.109375 -9.609375 3.109375zm68.890625 -137.76562l-30.484375 72.25001l61.437508 0l-30.484375 -72.25001l-0.46875763 0z"        fill-rule="nonzero"      />    </g>  </svg></component>

Now, we can use our component using its custom HTML tag (the ref attribute).


From an External File#

Sometimes, a particular component is too big to be comfortably placed in your HTML file. For this, you can load a component in an external file and load it directly using the src attribute.


<svg  version="1.1"  viewBox="0.0 0.0 256.0 256.0"  fill="none"  stroke="none"  stroke-linecap="square"  stroke-miterlimit="10"  xmlns:xlink=""  xmlns="">  <clipPath id="p.0">    <path d="m0 0l256.0 0l0 256.0l-256.0 0l0 -256.0z" clip-rule="nonzero" />  </clipPath>  <g clip-path="url(#p.0)">    <path      fill="#000000"      fill-opacity="0.0"      d="m0 0l256.0 0l0 256.0l-256.0 0z"      fill-rule="evenodd"    />    <path      fill="#000000"      fill-opacity="0.0"      d="m12.04462 127.845146l0 0c0 -64.125916 51.913815 -116.11024 115.95276 -116.11024l0 0c30.752579 0 60.24562 12.233008 81.99098 34.0079c21.745361 21.77489 33.961777 51.307987 33.961777 82.10234l0 0c0 64.12591 -51.91382 116.11024 -115.95276 116.11024l0 0c-64.03894 0 -115.95276 -51.98433 -115.95276 -116.11024z"      fill-rule="evenodd"    />    <path      stroke="#5bc3eb"      stroke-width="24.0"      stroke-linejoin="round"      stroke-linecap="butt"      d="m12.04462 127.845146l0 0c0 -64.125916 51.913815 -116.11024 115.95276 -116.11024l0 0c30.752579 0 60.24562 12.233008 81.99098 34.0079c21.745361 21.77489 33.961777 51.307987 33.961777 82.10234l0 0c0 64.12591 -51.91382 116.11024 -115.95276 116.11024l0 0c-64.03894 0 -115.95276 -51.98433 -115.95276 -116.11024z"      fill-rule="evenodd"    />    <path      fill="#000000"      fill-opacity="0.0"      d="m0 -14.086615l256.0 0l0 310.2677l-256.0 0z"      fill-rule="evenodd"    />    <path      fill="#5bc3eb"      d="m58.876244 227.23526q-8.390625 0 -12.0 -5.75q-3.59375 -5.765625 0.25 -13.9375l63.359375 -140.39062q3.109375 -6.968746 7.546875 -9.968746q4.453125 -3.0 10.203133 -3.0q5.53125 0 9.96875 3.0q4.4375 3.0 7.5625 9.968746l63.59375 140.39062q3.84375 8.40625 0.484375 14.046875q-3.359375 5.640625 -11.53125 5.640625q-6.71875 0 -10.4375 -3.234375q-3.71875 -3.25 -6.59375 -9.96875l-12.0 -27.84375l-82.56251 0l-11.765625 27.84375q-3.109375 6.96875 -6.46875 10.09375q-3.359375 3.109375 -9.609375 3.109375zm68.890625 -137.76562l-30.484375 72.25001l61.437508 0l-30.484375 -72.25001l-0.46875763 0z"      fill-rule="nonzero"    />  </g></svg>


<component ref="accent-logo" src="/path/to/logo.svg"></component>

Using $component#

Sometimes, we want to create components on the fly using JavaScript. We can do this using the $component method.

Usage: Accent.$component(id, template); where id is equivalent to the ref attribute and template is the content of the component.

const sayHi = Accent.$component("say-hi", `<p>Hey!</p>`);

Now our HTML will automatically compile all related components.




Force Compilations and Recompilations#

Similarly, sometimes we need to forcefully recompile a particular component. Although this should be a "last resort," the $compile and $recompile methods allow you to do this. Let's build off of our previous example.

// Recompile every single component in document.bodyAccent.$component().$recompile(document.body);// Compile a particular componentsayHi.$compile();

This concept can be extended to prevent errors and bugs in edge cases.